Florian Johannßen – Robot Developer – 41002


I am a motivated software developer and master student at the HAW Hamburg.

I am already writing my Masterthesis about knowledge sharing for robots….especially for the NAO robot from Aldebaran robotics. The target is, that Nao robots can share Informations from objects, enviroments or plans over the Cloud. So…it is possible, that heterogeneous robots can exchange executable robot apps among eachother. I am using a cloud-service, called RoboEarth, which represent a world wide web for robots. The robots can exchange roboter-specific Informations via RoboEarth. So Robots are not longer on one´s own – they can benefit from the experience other robots.

I am seaching for people who have experiences with Cloud Robotics to share experiences.


Nao robot, NaoQi SDK, RoboEarth, Robotic Operation System, Scala, JavaSE, Vaadin, Ruby, Sinatra, C, Objective-C, AspectJ, SQL, Swing, REST, Maven, Hudson, ObjectiveResource, UML, Scalable Architecture, Gigaspaces, Scrum

Current Job

Masterstudent at the university for applied science HAW Hamburg and Software Developer with the focus on Scala at Digitec.

Contact Info


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