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Manufacturers / Distributors


Why Manufacturers Choose Robotpark

  • Unsurpassed international visibility
  • Excellent relationship with our suppliers/manufacturers
  • Robotpark is partnered with the leaders in the industry
  • Confidentiality: Robotpark never shares sensitive sales data or communications between manufacturers.
  • High visibility and SEO optimization (web searches always lead to Robotpark)
  • World class sales and technical support with highly trained technicians and engineers.
  • Robotpark is specialized in residential and commercial robotic technology.
  • We excel in distribution optimization and logistics.
  • Distribution network Internationally.
  • Robotpark has been around for many years and continues to grow.
  • Manufacturer page: Each manufacturer has their own page where all their products are displayed. Also, these products are placed in their respective categories for unsurpassed visibility.
  • Customers will know immediately you are the manufacturer simply by looking at the product description.
  • Increased visibility with product reviews in our pages such as ROBOTPARK Academy
  • Easy to navigate website layout.


By partnering with Robotpark, your products and brands will gain significant visibility worldwide in multiple markets, including:

  • Hobbyist and custom robot developers: a large segment of our customers are always looking for innovative products such as yours.
  • Research and Development Organizations: Professionals and engineers alike prefer to purchase all their parts from one location.
  • Government and Military.
  • Designers and Manufacturers: many of our products are sold to manufacturers to be used in their products or their production process. When a part is successful in a company?s prototype, the company often seeks out pricing by quantity which Robotpark offers.
  • Education and Competitions: Robotpark's established customers include all levels of schools as well as student competitions.