Assembled Pi Cobbler Plus - Breakout Cable for Pi B+/A+/Pi 2 is an add on prototyping Pi Cobbler from Adafruit specifically designed for the B+ and Pi 2 that you can break out all power, GPIO, I2C and SPI pins from the 40-pin header onto a solderless breadboard. This will make "cobbling together" prototypes with the Pi super easy.
Assembled Pi Cobbler Plus - Breakout Cable for Pi B+/A+/Pi 2 is designed for use with Raspberry Pi Model A+/B+/Pi 2 only! No soldering required!
Assembled Pi Cobbler Plus - Breakout Cable for Pi B+/A+/Pi 2 is in a compact shape, which is the least bulky way to wire up. The cable plugs between the Pi A+/B+/Pi 2 computer and the Cobbler breakout. The Cobbler can plug into any solderless breadboard (or even a prototyping board like the PermaProto). The Cobbler PCB has all the pins labeled nicely so you can go forth and build circuits without keeping a pin-out printout at your desk.
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