NOW YOU CAN PRINT ELECTRONICS AT HOME Keywords: Nano, Silver, Ink, Inkjet, Printer, Printed Electronics, 31041 Printed Electronics by Robotpark Researchers at “Robotpark R&D...
NOW YOU CAN PRINT ELECTRONICS AT HOME Keywords: Nano, Silver, Ink, Inkjet, Printer, Printed Electronics, 31041 Printed Electronics by Robotpark Researchers at “Robotpark R&D...
“Electrically-Charged Hydrogel has applications for soft robotics and biomedical fields”
Researchers at Columbia Univ. Medical Center, working with their collaborators at the Hospital for Special Surgery, have created a fleet of molecular “robots” that can home in on specific human cells and mark them for drug therapy or destruction.
Objectives: The process outlined in this work uses inexpensive, compliant photo-patternable materials with the ability to embed components to combine the benefits of small-scale robots with the robustness and compliance improvements in larger-scale robots.
Video overview of the ETH Flying Machine Arena (FMA) as of 2010. The FMA is an indoor 1000-cubic meter volume dedicated for research in autonomous systems and aerial robotics. It’s located in Zurich, Switzerland.
For decades, academic and industry researchers have been working on control algorithms for autonomous helicopters — robotic helicopters that pilot themselves, rather than requiring remote human guidance. Dozens of research teams have competed in a series of autonomous-helicopter challenges posed by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI); progress has been so rapid that the last two challenges have involved indoor navigation without the use of GPS.
NASA JPL researchers present a 250-mm diameter omni-directional anchor that uses an array of claws with suspension flexures, called microspines, designed to grip rocks on the surfaces of asteroids and comets and to grip the cliff faces and lava tubes of Mars. Part of the paper, “Gravity-Independent Mobility and Drilling on Natural Rock Using Microspines,” by A. Parness et al., presented at the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
Having already broken new ground in robotics with the development, last year, of a class of “soft”, silicone-based robots based on creatures like squid and octopi, Harvard scientists are now working to create systems that would allow the robots to camouflage themselves, or stand out in their environment.
Apparently, balancing a pole on top of a flying quadrocopter robot wasn’t challenging enough for the researchers at ETH Zurich’s Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control. Their latest project has two quadrocopters playing catch with a precariously balanced pole – the first robot launches the pole into the air, while the second robot deftly moves into position in less than a second to catch it as it falls. The incredible precision flying achieved by the team can be seen in a video after the break.
Cybernics research aims to enhance health and vitality through robot suits. The word Cybernics comes from cybernetics, mechatronics and informatics. But this field also requires neurology, behavioral science, robotics, IT, physiology and psychology.