Artificial Intelligence Lectures by Neil Jacobstein 11069
Neil Jacobstein, co-chair of the AI and Robotics at singularity university. Filmed during the November 2009 Executive Program at Singularity University.
Neil Jacobstein, co-chair of the AI and Robotics at singularity university. Filmed during the November 2009 Executive Program at Singularity University.
Andrew Ng (Stanford University) is building robots to improve the lives of millions. From autonomous helicopters to robotic perception, Ng’s research in machine learning and artificial intelligence could result one day in a robot that can clean your house.
STAN: Society, Technology, Art and Nature, was Stanford University’s prototype conferecne for TEDxStanford, and showcased some of the university’s top faculty, students, alumni and performers in an intense four-hour event laced with surprising appearances and memorable experiences. STAN, modeled after TED, explored big questions about society, technology, art and nature in a format that invites feedback and engagement.
Robots have found a role in some surgical procedures. Robotic devices are steadier, and are capable of being manipulated more precisely, than any human hand....
A stepper motor is an electric motor that turns in small increments rather than continuously. Stepper motors are used extensively in robots. Stepper versus conventional...
Static stability is the ability of a robot to maintain its balance while standing still. A robot with two or three legs, or that rolls...
Stadimetry is a method that a robot can use to measure the distance to an object when the object’s height, width, or diameter is known....
Spherical coordinate geometry is a scheme for guiding a robot arm in three dimensions. A spherical coordinate system is something like the polar system, but...
Speech synthesis, also called voice synthesis, is the electronic generation of sounds that mimic the human voice. These sounds can be generated from digital text...
The human voice consists of audio-frequency (AF) energy, with components ranging from about 100 Hz to several kilohertz (kHz). (A frequency of 1 Hz is...
A sound transducer, also called an acoustic transducer, is an electronic component that converts acoustic waves into some other form of energy, or vice versa....