BIOCHIP – 21018

A biochip is an integrated circuit (IC) fabricated with, or from, living matter by means of biological processes. The term has also been suggested for...


A classical azimuth-range navigation system is conventional radar, which consists of a transmitter, a highly directional antenna, a receiver, and a display. The transmitter produces EM microwave pulses that are propagated in a narrow beam. The EM waves strike objects at various distances. The greater the distance to the target, the longer is the delay before the echo is received. The transmitting antenna is rotated so that all azimuth bearings can be observed.


An autonomous robot is self-contained, housing its own controller, and not depending on a central computer for its commands. It navigates its work environment under its own power, usually by rolling on wheels or a track drive.

Cloud-Based Brain (Raptuya) for Robots 31001

The project, carried out by a team at ETH Zurich, is called RoboEarth and its linchpin is a cloud software platform called Rapyuta. The way it works is pretty simple at a high level: robots communicate with a cloud-based application platform that carries out computation tasks and connects to a cloud database full of information such as maps, images, language, as well as to other web services. The robots themselves are pretty much hardware terminals equipped with sensors and moving parts but limited on-board processing power or data storage.