Arduino Tutorial Series – Basics of Arduino 51062

In this Tutorial Series we have examined Arduino, Uno, Leonardo, etc. in lots of usefull applications.

You can Download the Source Codes of Tutorials Here : 51062 -Arduino

Arduino Tutorial 1: Uno Hardware 

(Basic Level)

In this video we will look at the hardware for the Arduino Uno.

Download Arduino IDE:

Arduino Tutorial #2: Getting Started

(Basic Level)

In our second Arduino tutorial, we take a look at what is essentially the “hello world” of the microcontroller world.  We go through the setup of the Arduino IDE and drivers, along with the programming. Connection with the usb port.

Arduino Tutorial #3: Digital Inputs and Pull-Up Resitors 

(Basic Level)

In this tutorial we go over using digital inputs with the arduino to turn on an LED whenever a button is pressed. We also discuss the evil that is the floating pin and how to solve it.

Arduino Tutorial #4: Serial Communication 

(Intermediate Level)

In this Arduino tutorial, we go over the Uno’s built in serial communication. We look at talking to the Arduino from the computer and vice versa, the difference between print and write, and my trick to getting the Arduino to accept strings of data, rather than just characters. Sending Commands to computer,

Arduino Tutorial #5: PWM and Servos 

(Intermediate Level)

Inthis Arduino Tutorial, we look at the pulse width modulation, PWM, pins on the Arduino and their various applications, including producing a pseudo-analog signal and controlling a servo. You can control a servo of a robot or a robotic project with arduino code.

Arduino Tutorial #6: Analog Input 

(Intermediate Level)

In this Arduino tutorial, we examine the use of the analog input pins, how they work, and how they are configured and used. As mentioned in the video, I have really come to the end of the basics of the Arduino.

Arduino Tutorial #7: External Pin Interrupt 

(Advanced Level)

In this Arduino Tutorial we discuss the basics of interrupts, their applications, and, more specifically, external pin interrupts.

Arduino Tutorial #8: I2C Communication

(Advanced Level)

This Arduino tutorial covers using I2C to communicate with an EEPROM chip. This is only part one of the I2C videos, there will be another covering Arduino to Arduino communication as well.

Arduino Tutorial #9: Leonardo vs. Uno 

(Basic Level)

Differences between Uno and Leonardo

Arduino Tutorial #10: Arduino to Arduino I2C

(Advanced Level)

In this tutorial, we continue with the second part of the Arduino I2C communication tutorial, using I2C to communicate between two Arduinos.

Arduino Tutorial #11: Leonardo as Keyboard

(Basic Level)

In this Arduino tutorial, we look at the Arduino Leonardo’s built in USB emulation capabilities. Specifically, generating keyboard output. Remember that it is a good idea to add a switch to your code to ensure that the board stops acting like a keyboard, so that it can be reprogrammed.

Arduino Tutorial #12: Wireless Communication

(Intermediate Level)

In today’s Arduino Tutorial, we explore using “5 dollar” transmitters and receivers to send data between two Arduinos without wires.
You can find the VirtualWire library here:

Arduino Tutorial #13: Internal EEPROM

(Intermediate Level)

In this Arduino Tutorial, we look at using the internal EEPROM included on the ATmega328p

Arduino Tutorial #14: Leonardo as Mouse

(Basic Level)

In this Arduino tutorial, we examine a more mischievous use for the Arduino Leonardo’s mouse emulation ability.

Arduino Tutorial #15: Controlling Motors

(Basic Level)

In this Arduino Tutorial, we use the ULN2003a IC to control a motor.

Arduino Tutorial #16: Simple SPI Communication

In this Arduino Tutorial, we look at using a shift register to demonstrate the Arduino’s simpler SPI communication.


You can Download the Source Codes of Tutorials Here : 51062 -Arduino



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